B+R GmbH has currently invested in a 3D printer. This will be used in the future to print a variety of components for internal machine and plant construction. This will significantly increase flexibility in the design of simple to highly complex geometries.

The 3D printing technology is also offered to B+R customers as a contract service.

Do you need advice?

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have on the subject.

ConsultationContact now
Bernd Hafke
Automation Robotertechnik B+R
Contact directly by phone.

Our colleagues will be happy to assist you
at +49 2244 91830 for your questions.

Call up+49 2244 91830
Start a request now.
Automation Robotertechnik B+R Kontakt
Contact directly by phone.

Our colleagues will be happy to assist you
at +49 2244 91830 for your questions.

Call up+49 2244 91830
Start a request now.
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